Monday, May 26

FAF update

Friends and Family Update, that is.

It is May 26th I believe, and I have been living up at Camp Hammer for over six months now. On June 3rd, I am going to be moving into town to live with a friend named Katie. It is in an apartment a few blocks from work and a few blocks from the beach. In addition, school will be on hold this summer as no classes are offered that I need. On Friday, Reid and I will be flying to Portland for my sister Kimmy's high school graduation and to say hello to family and a few friends. When I move back, I have about 24-48 hours to move into my new place, yikes!

This weekend Reid's parents came over to their beach house and Reid and I hung out with them. they took us to this very nice Mexican dinner and Reid's friend Johnny came along. It was all good fun, and afterwards, we watched an old Indiana Jones movie.

Besides that, life consists of driving all around town for work, school, and community dinners up at camp to enjoy before I move into town in 1 week! Hopefully, I will be uploading some new pictures of my apartment, friends, and a few knitting projects I have recently completed!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a really good time! That Reid part! That sounded like fun!


I am currently reading...

  • "It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It" by Craig Groeschel
  • "90 Minutes in Heaven"
  • "The Old Man and the Sea"