Saturday, July 26

Staying warm in Maine

It turns out this oil/economy issue is hitting people alot harder than I think. It turns out beginning this last winter, people back in Maine were really struggling to stay warm. A lady has started a knitting project to help out people back in Maine that either can't afford to buy warm clothes in the winter, or can't afford to keep their thermostat above 60 degrees. Check it out:

I am hoping to contribute at least one project before the due date: September 1st. I am not a fast knitter, but deadlines seem to inspire me. If by any random chance there is another knitter that reads my blog... you should join in on this effort. Or if you know someone that knits, show them this project.

It's a small way I can contribute to those really suffering from our troubled economy.

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I am currently reading...

  • "It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It" by Craig Groeschel
  • "90 Minutes in Heaven"
  • "The Old Man and the Sea"