Tuesday, September 9


Reid has recently acquired 2.5 new roommates:

- my good friend Dan Hynes
- Nathan (of the Stirling clan)
- Josh aka Gherkin (0.5)

It is funny how much my social life has changed with having good 'ol Dan back in town, having Gherkin in town, and having a new friend/intellectual (Nathan) to hang around.

The weekly BBQ/fires have increased as well as the size of these functions. Beer making has entered my life, as some good friends have left (Will and Christina are on tour for a long time now). I now have bicycle riding buddies, as well as a new coffee shop to hang out at.

To top it all off, Anna will be moving down here before too long.

School has started, and my job is getting boring, those are both partial downers...
...but, oh well.


  1. Can't resist this quote from Jeff Foxworthy's "Redneck calendar". You might be a Redneck if.... Making Beer is a neighborhood project!

    Sounds like you might be in the neighborhood!

  2. I am not a redneck!


I am currently reading...

  • "It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It" by Craig Groeschel
  • "90 Minutes in Heaven"
  • "The Old Man and the Sea"