Tuesday, March 18

Sandals and such...

Well, the votes are in, I don't want to call it too soon. However, as previously discussed, I dont have a heavy readership, so I believe 9 votes is all this pathetic blog will be able to muster up.

Light green it is.

However, look at those sandals, how do I purchase those? But thinking back on it, how could I not?

To my dear friends,

Most of you know how busy my life is right now and how badly I hate being so busy. I can't believe how well I've been able to manage my schedule, however, and not let it overcome me. Sure, I have my days where I break down and pray that I can find girls to move in with in Santa Cruz. I long for the days of riding my bicycle around this funky town, of have to fill my gas tank up once a month instead of once a week, of walking down the street to get a pop because I want one. Most of all, I want to walk to the beach when I want. I want to take my school book and go sit on a bench overlooking the water, and sit under the sun so my clear Oregon skin can blister. Yuck, sorry.

Now, how many of you that are actually able to embrace these "taste of heaven" moments ACTUALLY choose to do so? I just challenge all of you out there... you live in one of the most beautiful places I have seen in my life (that is, you who live in Santa Cruz). You have NO IDEA how blessed you are. Take advantage of it, if not for yourself, for my sake.

Barbeque outside (but only with friends over... this is required for barbeques).

Sit outside and let a glass of lemonade or pop last at least an hour. Sure, it may get watery, but its good for you. Trust me. If that is too boring, do it with a friend. In fact, I prefer you do it with a friend. What a rewarding experience.

Tell me you'll think about it.


  1. As soon as it starts to warm up around here (Portland), I'll think about it. Sounds wonderful! Cold, rainy days like these... I wish I lived in Santa Cruz.

  2. Good stuff Caitlin....I can't wait for some Bend bbq's this summer....

  3. I have orange/banana/pineapple juice? Come drink it with me on the pier. And check out my blog (inspired by you). fivecorndogs.blogspot.com


I am currently reading...

  • "It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It" by Craig Groeschel
  • "90 Minutes in Heaven"
  • "The Old Man and the Sea"