Sunday, March 16


First of all I am very pleased to say that I have acquired a new reader, and I believe I have a few readers out there that have not yet commented. If you participate in the gaiety that is my blog... please, let me know you tune in.

This font is blood red, weird.

I am really excited to move out on my own. Yes, I did do that like 5 years ago. However, its different. It's different to have a place that you are proud of calling home, that you have no eminent plans to leave. A place where you are allowed to paint the walls, or stick a nail in the wall (or floor) if you so desire. A place where you can garden and know you will be around long enough to see the blossoms. Do you know what I mean?

I am anxiously awaiting that day.

1 comment:

  1. pretend its a red sunset color and get a sunburn.


I am currently reading...

  • "It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It" by Craig Groeschel
  • "90 Minutes in Heaven"
  • "The Old Man and the Sea"